Asbestos in the Lungs - Asbestosis, Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer

Asbestos offers many appealing qualities for builders. It is powerful, flexible and corrosion resistant. It is also burn resistant along with a good insulator. There are not many substances with one of these qualities and may explain why it was so popular. It becomes hazardous when asbestos containing materials tend to be disturbed or damaged. Asbestos is made up associated with microscopic bundles of fibers. When the materials turn out to be disturbed or damaged, these fibers separate and can become airborne. These fibers may get into the lungs and that can lead to serious and even fatal diseases. Some of these types of diseases include:

Asbestosis is a non-cancerous lung illness. Inhaling asbestos fibers for an extended period of your time causes it. This disease takes twenty five to forty years to build up. As asbestos fibers become trapped in your lung area, the body will produce an acid to attempt to eliminate these fibers. The continued production of the acid can eventually scar the tissues inside your lungs. An excessive amount of scarring may cause the lungs to work improperly. This can lead to serious breathing issues. If asbestosis is left untreated, it may trigger cardiac failure. At this time, there is no effective treatment with this disease. People who renovate or demolish buildings which contain asbestos have the greatest risk of getting asbestosis. The likelihood of getting this disease through physical contact with an individual who works with asbestos are minimal. People who worked in naval shipyards were the very first ones diagnosed with asbestosis.

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that affects the pleura (the external membrane that encloses the lung and chest hole) and/ or the peritoneum (the membrane lining the walls from the abdominal cavity). In the United States, you will find only about 3000 new cases of this illness annually. Exposure to asbestos has been the cause in all the cases. The exposure in these cases lasted between fifteen to thirty years. Unlike other forms associated with cancer, there is only one known cause associated with mesothelioma. Studies indicate that people who work in areas which contain asbestos, such as mines, mills, factories, or shipyards, or who manufacture and install asbestos installation are in the greatest risk of getting mesothelioma. You will also be at risk if you live with a worker subjected to asbestos or near any area containing asbestos. Studies also indicate that younger people may contract mesothelioma when they inhale asbestos. This means that people are going to great lengths to safeguard school children from asbestos exposure.

Many cases of lung cancer may also be attributed to asbestos exposure. Lung cancer is actually the leading cause of death among all the illnesses caused by asbestos exposure. You can aggravate the results of lung cancer by about fifty percent should you start smoking. People who work in occupations where they are directly active in the handling of asbestos are at a greater risk of having lung cancer. Exposure to both asbestos and an additional carcinogen, such as cigarette smoke, puts you at greater risk of contracting lung cancer than contact with asbestos alone. There was a study that indicated that contact with asbestos and smoke makes you ninety times prone to contract lung cancer than a person who isn't exposed to either. Some of the symptoms associated with lung cancer include coughing, breathing irregularities, chest discomfort and anemia. It usually takes fifteen to thirty years of contact with asbestos to contract lung cancer.